As a consumer you can literally save hundreds of dollars every year by just using discount coupons. Some shoppers say they have cut their grocery bill by 50 by using coupons, which is a significant savings! In the long run, you would be surprised at how much you can save just by taking the time to clip a coupon.
Organizing your coupons can help you to locate items quicker and makes it a breeze to actually use your grocery coupons. While it may take you a few extra moments when you are shopping, the savings can be worth the time. Go to your local discount store and pick up one of those folders that look like an accordion; they are sometimes called coupon caddies. Label each section by groups; I usually group my coupons by classification such as Dairy, Frozen Foods, Personal Needs, and Baking etc... You can organize your coupons in which ever way works best for you.
Here is some simple money saving tips when using coupons:
1. Check the sale papers for all supermarkets in your general area before going shopping. The reason I suggest doing this is because not every store has the same item on sale, so you may find what you are looking for at another store cheaper and if you have a coupon you can save even more money. I have used this technique several times and was able to get items at a substantial savings.
2. Compare prices of similar items. You may be able to get a different brand cheaper without a coupon. Don’t buy an item just because you have a coupon for it.
3. Many retailers will double the face value of a coupon up to a dollar. Be price cautious though, even doubling a coupon may not be the most cost saving.
4. Plan you shopping list and gather the coupons you want to use before heading to the store. This can save you time at the store.
5. Combining store sales with coupons can save you the most money. Take advantage of the double coupons which can save you even more!
6. Check online for store sales, some retailers offer coupons you can print online before heading out to the store.
7. Many retailers will print on the receipt how much you actually saved that day shopping. Keep a simple log of the savings so you can see exactly how much you are cutting costs.
Look for coupons online! Many manufactures’ also offer coupons you can print online for free! Coupon Emporium ( has new weekly offers that you can print for free or use a coupon code when making online purchases.
Using these tips you’ll be well on your way to saving money using coupons!
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